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Club Nights


            CHAIRMAN’S CHAT

It may have come to your notice that we did not have an updated edition of the Magneto last month. This was because Brenda did not have anything to write in it! Im sure all of you would like to join me in thanking Brenda for her sterling work over the last five years. She has done a terrific job with not a lot of help from the rest of us!
 We held a committee meeting last Tuesday to discuss how we felt about the future running of the club and I’m sorry to say that every committee member has decided that they will not be prepared to carry on running the club beyond the end of April next year. We have all decided that we can no longer find the enthusiasm or commitment to continue when there is so little involvement from other members. We understand that people’s circumstances may have changed and we are none of us getting any younger. I don’t think any of us ride as much as we did which is a real shame but a fact of life. It appears to be a similar issue in other motorcycling clubs so ours is far from unique. We as a club have been unable to attract any new, younger members and so our numbers are decreasing at an ever faster rate as our current members age and give up riding.

Currently we have only 32 paid up members, but we only generally see maybe 18 at monthly club nights and club runs seem to be a thing of the past.
I am writing this with great sadness as I remember the good times we all had not so very long ago, but I cannot see how the Club can continue beyond April next year unless some new blood can take over and regenerate the Club. I hate the thought of having to wind up the Club but unless someone is prepared to take it on that is what will happen at the next AGM in May 2015. The club will be disbanded and the Club’s funds will be given to a charity of the committees choosing. A sad end to a once brilliant club!

On a happier note the Committee are hoping that as many as possible of you can join us for what will probably be the final MSBMC Christmas Dinner. Please contact one of the committee members if you are interested. The club will be subsidising the meal and we are asking club members and their guests to £7:50 PP.. the club will pay the outstanding £9.95 total £16.95 as we now have a definitive price from The Hassocks .

Many thanks and please give some thought to the Club’s future.

Best wishes Dave Willmer.




Club Nights are held in the Function Room of the Hassocks Hotel, Hassocks, on the first Thursday of every month, starting at 8.0pm. During the summer months many of the members arrive on their bikes, and walking around the car park is like attending a show. 

Together with a pint and friendly chat this makes for a good evening.

In the winter the Club Night Organizer arranges themed evenings, with talks from company representatives. These talks range from oil to spark plugs, metal polishing and finishing to motorcycle electrical component testing. 

Occasionally we have guest speakers, mainly from the motorcycling world.